What Students really think about Online Learning…

Exactly what do students think about online finding out – do they adore it? Hate it? There are several research reports, scientific studies and articles about online learning, lots of which provide info and statistics in enrollment rates, perceived learning plus more, but its the unedited, raw reviews of actual college students, as I wrote about during my last post which is invaluable to course instructors, designers and also online educators. I’ll share on this page not only precise student comments, but conclude together with observations for what we should as educators can perform to support online learning and students.

Below is an accumulation [select] student opinions from anonymous opinions reports from online surveys given at the end of 100% online college courses for credit – it's unedited, and telling connected with how students really feel. I’ve grouped opinions into four classes, 1) interaction/learning local community 2) technical 3) course design/structure and 4) finding out environment. Most interesting is that of all the feedback (from 115 students) a lot less than 5% of reviews involved the course instructor.

What people [hopefully] will get pleasure from, is how the students are sincere, share there feelings and are real. To put the feedback throughout context, here’s a little background of where it arises from:

Overview of Method

Below you’ll discover the most representative replies from 115 pupil feedback forms from a possible 236 college students (49% response rate). Furthermore note, feedback is from a small program, 15 courses, general education, for credit, with video lectures because the main content distribution method. LMS software is Moodle. Replies below to open-ended inquiries, either ‘what did you prefer ‘least’ about the course, and ‘what did you prefer best about the course’.

Learning Setting [online versus traditional]…

“.. the web based environment, definitely are going to be taking courses directly for [next] semesters” [response to 'what you prefer least... ]
“The online environment, I tried it but I will most definitely possibly be taking courses in person from now on. I have found i always struggle with occasion management and would make use of scheduled class get togethers. ”
“it was a little rough at the start to understand the instructions. A little more clarity at the start would be helpful. ”
“I would benefit extra from scheduled course meetings, personally struggled with time management. ”
“I liked the course given it was easier to complete each of the work. I was able to do everything on my own time with a deadline at the end of the few days. I also preferred the weekly community forums. ”
“that i could truthfully take it inside my own pace”
“I really appreciated this course being offered from the online format. It allowed me to fit it into our schedule easily…”

Interaction/learning community

“I can't stand the class conversations, but I understand its for making it more interactive nevertheless I wish they will weren’t there. They might be assignments. ”
“I loved the non-public classroom feel from the videos and the forum posting assignments. ”
“The failure to interact. ”
.. Well it really is online. So I wish I had created more live connection with students even when was view any Skype class occasion. ”
“It was a powerful alternative to taking the class literally. ”
“The class project. I chose this course because I don’t include time, working, college, and running a household to do business with other people. I work greatest alone and was unable to participate much. ”

Training Design/Structure…

“I would would like the flow from the course to you have to be smooth and logically structured rather than separated by blocks and topics that must be covered. Also, I wish some questions on quizzes ended up more clear rather than misleading. ”
“Some from the lectures were lengthy, but that’s simply just me and our attention span. ”

“I wish I happens to be able to obtain the videos well, i could watch more of which in the time I had created. It would are already nice if I could hook them up to the mobile system. ”
“I enjoyed seeing the videos inside my convenience but I wish I possibly could have downloaded them because the local weather often interfered with my power to stream the video lessons. ”
“…please make more from the videos downloadable for cellular phones like Kindle flames, androids, iPad, and so forth. ”
“…. online program is very good, but honestly sufficient reason for all respect, not great. I was unable to get any portable application (iPad) to figure …. that is a significant setback in that lots of online students take courses because of the flexibility it offers”


Students are requiring ‘mobile‘ learning options – a superior percentage of reviews were requesting portable.
Time management is apparently a factor for those struggling with online learning.
Numerous students mention the flexibleness of online learning as being a positive factor.
Flavor students want connection and personal network.
Effective course design is needed for clarity connected with instructions, and simple navigation within the course environment (being able to find resources, directions easily).


  1. Thanks for sharing this topic with us.

  2. As I am a university student most of the students find online learning better compared to traditional study. Online learning provides meaningful learning opportunities using a wide variety of teaching modalities. In today's learning takes place anytime, anywhere. Yes, you are right "flavor students want connection and personal network" but there are many online learning & teaching platforms which are offering you to live learning with experienced teachers.
